11/12/2020 ECA SoCal Online Workshop

ECA Members and Colleagues: Thank you for joining our
ECA SoCal Fall Online Workshop!

The recording of the workshop and a PDF collection of all presentations are now available below.

Promotional graphic for November 12, 2020 ECA SoCal Online Workshop


DATE: Thursday, November 12, 2020

TIME: 10:00am – 11:30am

VENUE: Zoom Meeting



  • ShakeOut 2020 Overview
    Mark Benthien, Executive Director (ECA) & Director for Outreach (SCEC)
    Summary of activities and sharing from attendees

  • Mini Awards: 2020 Recipient Presentations & 2021 Announcement
    $500-$1000 packages for ECA members to improve earthquake safety in their organization and communities

  • Hazard Mitigation Funding Opportunities
    Anthony Roggio, Lead Hazard Mitigation Specialist and Senior Project Manager (Cal OES)
    Overview of grant funding available to eligible communities and organizations

  • What’s Next: Activities and challenges for 2021, and what ECA can provide
    Breakout group discussions



Workshop Presentation Slides (PDF)

Workshop Video Recording (Youtube; also view below)

After viewing the ECA SoCal Workshop, please complete our brief survey.

(Click “CC” to see captions, once the video starts playing)


QUESTIONS: socal@earthquakecountry.org