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11/18/2020 ECA Bay Area Online Workshop
ECA Members and Colleagues: Thank you for joining us for our
ECA Bay Area Fall Online Workshop!
The recording of the workshop and a PDF collection of all presentations are now available below.

DATE: Thursday, November 18, 2020
TIME: 12:00pm – 1:30pm
VENUE: Zoom Meeting (recording below)
- Making Earthquake Early Warning Inclusive and Accessible – A Flash Listening Session
Amanda Moyer (Cal OES), Robert de Groot (USGS), Mariah Jenkins (USGS), Corey Reynolds (Nusura), Roseann Cordelli (Nusura), Peggy Whitehead (Nusura), Josh Bruce (UO), Gabe Lotto (UW), Margaret Vinci (Caltech) - Hazard Mitigation Funding Opportunities
Anthony Roggio, Lead Hazard Mitigation Specialist and Senior Project Manager (Cal OES) - ShakeOut After Action Discussion
Mark Benthien, Executive Director (ECA) & Director for Outreach (SCEC)
Summary of activities and sharing from attendees - Mini Awards: 2020 Recipient Presentations & 2021 Announcement
$500-$1000 packages for ECA members to improve earthquake safety in their organization and communities - Additional discussion and networking
Workshop Presentation Slides (PDF)
Workshop Video Recording (YouTube link, or watch below)
After viewing the ECA Bay Area Workshop, please complete our brief survey.
(Click “CC” to see captions, once the video starts playing) |
QUESTIONS: bayarea@earthquakecountry.org