Earthquake Country Alliance Bay Area August 14 Regional Workshop

ECA Bay Area Regional Workshop
Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Download the Workshop Minutes (PDF)

Please invite colleagues in your professional network to attend this workshop. Working together we will further our goals to promote and improve preparedness, mitigation and resilience. Grant funding for ECA activities is provided by the California Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) Earthquake and Tsunami Program.

8:30 am – 9:00 am
9:00 am – 12:30 pm

Registration and continental breakfast

UCSF Mission Bay
Helen Diller – Family Cancer Research Building – 160
1450 3rd Street, San Francisco, CA 94158

Public parking is available nearby. A PDF of the campus map is available.


  • Emergency Preparedness at UCSF (Kate Shimshock, UCSF)
  • Experiencing the Magnitude 7.1 in Ridgecrest and Other Response Insights (Cynthia Pridmore, CGS)
  • Resources and Techniques to “Secure Your Space” (Trevyn Reese, Ready America)
  • Reports from ECA 2019 Mini Award Recipients:
  • Interactive Activity – Community Resilience
  • 2019 Neighborfest Pilot – Building a Stronger Region from the Block Up! (Daniel
    Homsey, Director, Neighborhood Empowerment Network)
  • ShakeOut 2019 Strategies for Your Organization and Community (Mark Benthien, ECA Executive Director)
  • Sharing from attendees about recent activities and upcoming plans (You!)


Registration for this workshop is now closed.