Location: UC Berkeley Seismological Lab (307 McCone Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720)
Discussions at the UC Berkeley Seismology Lab focused on “slow slip” and earthquakes on the nearby Hayward fault (with a visit afterwards at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), the Bay Area CERT Coalition, funding opportunities, and plans for the Loma Prieta 35th anniversary.
Dena Gunning (San Mateo Central County Fire Department), Jeff Airth (SFO Emergency Management), and Ray Bonilla (Elevance Health)
Welcome and Introductions – ECA Bay Area Coordinating Committee Chairs
Dena Gunning (San Mateo Central County Fire Department) and Mark Benthien (ECA Executive Director | Statewide California Earthquake Center)
Bay Area Funding Opportunities, Resource Updates, and Trainings
Sandra Firpo (San Mateo Consolidated Fire Department)
Overview of Bay Area CERT Coalition
Prof. Roland Bürgmann (UC Berkeley Seismology Laboratory)
Slow Slip and Earthquake Potential Along the Hayward Fault
Savvas Marcou (UC Berkeley Graduate Student)
Quake Break – review of recent earthquakes in the Bay Area (and elsewhere)
Mark Benthien (ECA Executive Director | Statewide California Earthquake Center at USC)
Planning for the Loma Prieta 35th Earthquake Anniversary (including Bay Area Quake Heroes Expos)
Announcements by Participants
Workshop Presentation Slides (PDF; some content shared live by presenters may not be not included)
Brief survey (Please complete if you attended, or if you registered but could not then attend)