City of Gardena Quake Heroes Expo

Nakoaka Community Center 1670 W 162nd St., Gardena, CA, United States

This special event for residents of Gardena and surrounding areas will feature the new "Quake Heroes" film and many information booths/exhibits, with the goal of raising awareness of what can happen during earthquakes and how we can all improve safety and resilience.

ECA SoCal Summer 2024 In-Person Workshop: Tales of Two(+) Earthquakes

City of Chino Police Department 5450 Guardian Way,, Chino, CA, United States

Join us in-person to commemorate the 5th Anniversary of the Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence (M6.4 & M7.1) and the 30th Anniversary of the Northridge Earthquake (M6.7) – with a special screening of the Quake Heroes film, and how you can have an event with it in your community. Plus there will be updates about ShakeOut, ECA materials, and ECA Mini Awards.


ECA Bay Area Summer 2024 Workshop: Tales of Three Earthquakes

Napa County Health & Human Services 2751 Napa Valley Corporate Drive, Bldg A,, Napa, CA, United States

Join us for presentations about the 2014 South Napa earthquake, a special screening of Quake Heroes (stories from the 1994 Northridge Earthquake), discussion of plans for the 35th anniversary of the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake, and how to get free earthquake education and mitigation resources.


ECA Symposium at the 2024 Disasters Expo USA

Los Angeles Convention Center

Disasters Expo USA, being held in Los Angeles for the first time (September 5-6), will host an Earthquake Country Alliance Symposium on September 5. ECA Members and all Expo participants are welcome to attend this day of science and safety with stories of quake heroes and lessons for today, in commemoration of the 30th Anniversary of the Northridge Earthquake – plus explore all the exhibitor booths!


Venice Community Quake Heroes Expo

(To be Rescheduled) This special event for residents Venice and surrounding areas will raise awareness of what can happen during earthquakes and how we can all improve safety and resilience. The event will be hosted by City of Los Angeles Councilwoman Traci Park, with support from the Venice Community Resiliency Committee, the Statewide California Earthquake Center, RomaScope, Earthquake Country Alliance, and many others.

Share the Gift of Earthquake Safety (2024)

Have your family, friends, and colleagues "secured their space" for earthquakes? Now's a great time! Check out how you can receive 25-30% discounts on safety fasteners for furniture, TVs, and other items, plus other emergency supplies!

ECA Statewide Fall 2024 Online Workshop

This workshop included presentations about potential new earthquake information tools and challenges with earthquake early warning, an overview of earthquake impacts on utilities and other lifelines and how to reduce them, and updates about how to request free ECA printed materials, mitigation materials, and more!

Learn How to Secure Your Space

This workshop will provide basic understanding and skills for how to reduce damage or injuries by securing your space (at home or work), and to help neighbors, friends, and family secure their space too! Every attendee who completes the training will be sent a "starter kit" of fastening items from Safe-T-Proof (normally $66).