The Seven Steps
Emergency Batteries


To anchor battery sets in the emergency power system.

Source: Noson, Perbix, SSD


Anchor battery sets to the building with bolts.

Supplies Required

  • Angle—3″ x 3″ x 3/8″
  • Angle—5″ x 3″ x 3/8″
  • Expansion bolts—1/2″ diameter
  • Machine bolts—1/2″ diameter
  • Lag bolts—3/8″ diameter x 4″ (for wood)
  • Styrofoam spacers
  • Unistrut frames
  • Velcro, nylon, or metal shipping bands
  • Strap bracing—16 gage x 1″
  • Sheet metal screws—No. 10
  • Shipping bands or bungee chords


Free-Standing Battery Racks

  1. Install angle (5″ x 3″ x 3/8″) at each leg of the battery rack.
  2. Bolt to the floor with expansion bolts and bolt to the rack with machine bolts.
  3. Strap each battery to the rack with shipping bands.

Wall-Mounted Battery Racks

  1. Bolt battery rack to wall and floor with expansion bolts. At wood-framed walls, secure to wall with lag bolts into studs. (Do not attach to gypsum wallboard only.)
  2. Brace full height with X-bracing where wall support is unavailable. Provide two screws at each end of the X-bracing.
  3. Strap each battery to the rack with shipping bands.

Single Battery On Floor

  1. Install angle (3″ x 3″ x 3/8″) on each side of battery rack.
  2. Bolt each angle to the floor with two expansion bolts.

Multiple Batteries on Floor

Provide unistrut frame secured to the floor.


When anchoring to post-tensioned slab, locate and avoid reinforcing.


  • Provide slack in battery cables.
  • Place Styrofoam spacers between batteries.

Free Standing Battery Rack
Source: Noson, Perbix, SSD

Wall-Mounted Battery Rack
Source: Noson, Perbix, SSD

Single Battery On Floor
Source: Noson, Perbix, SSD

Multiple Batteries On Floor
Source: Noson, Perbix, SSD