The Seven Steps
Ceiling-Mounted Lights and Ventilation Grills

Ceiling-Mounted Lights and Ventilation Grills

Source: Noson, Perbix, SSD


To secure lights and grills.


Brace lights with wire.

Installation — Wire

Supplies Required

  • Wire—No. 12 gage

Wire Installation

  1. Brace ceiling-mounted lights with a diagonal wire at each corner to the structure above.
  2. Secure wire with three tight turns at each end.


  • Replace diffuser panels with plastic panels.
  • Add safety chains to panels if these are lacking.


Install slips to secure ventilation grills.

Installation — Clips

Supplies Required

  • Clip—18 gage
  • Sheet metal screws—No. 6

Clip Installation

  1. Install one clip at each corner of the grill.
  2. Attach the clip to T-grid with one screw.

Source: Noson, Perbix, SSD