The Seven Steps


To reduce the potential for risks from chemical spills.

Strip – Recommendation

Install wood or Plexiglas strips or wires to restrain containers on open shelves.
Supplies Required

  • Wood or Plexiglas strip—1/8″ x 1″
  • Wood or sheet metal screws—No. 10 x 1″
  • Wire rope—No. 12 gage


  1. Attach a wood or Plexiglas strip to the shelf with wood or sheet metal screws.
    Attach wire rope to the shelf with wood or sheet metal screws.
  2. Secure the wire rope with three tight turns at each end.
  3. Provide intermediate vertical strips where horizontal strips span more than 3′. Attach vertical strips to each shelf.
  4. Place horizontal restraint high enough to restrain tall objects while allowing easy access. Provide additional horizontal restraint as required for shorter objects.

Strip restaint for containers on an open shelf.

Mechanical Latches – Recommendation

Secure cabinet doors with mechanical latches.
Supplies Required

  • Mechanical latches

Mechanical Latches – Installation

  1. Provide mechanical latches on all doors. Test latches to assure that they can remain closed during severe shaking.
  2. Replace magnetic latches with mechanical latches.

Glass Containers – Recommendation

Wrap fragile bottles or dangerous materials with foam rubber or rubber bands to protect
Replace glass containers with unbreakable containers.

Bottle with Rubber or Foam “Bumpers”

Supplies Required

  • Foam rubber or rubber
  • Rubber bands


  • Store acids and other volatile chemicals separately and as close to the ground as possible.
  • Store heavy containers as close to the ground as possible.
  • For more information on storage of chemicals and chemical interaction contact your State Department of Ecology. For instance, the Washington State Department of Ecology has the following publication: Step-By-Step Guide for to Better LaboratoryManagement Practices, Publication No. 97-431, July 1997.