The Seven Steps
Emergency Power System


To secure emergency power systems.

The emergency power system can include the following elements:

  • Motor generator set
  • Battery set
  • Fuel supply tank
  • Muffler
  • Electric cable
  • Power transfer unit

Seismic Snubber
Source: Noson, Perbix, SSD

Recommendation — Secure Generator

Install seismic snubbers to secure motor generator set.

Source: Noson, Perbix, SSD

Supplies Required

  • Eight steel Z snubbers (or other type of seismic snubber)
  • Eight expansion bolts—1/2″ diameter (for concrete)
    Eight expansion bolts—1/2″ diameter (for wood)


  1. Place snubbers at two sides near the corners.
  2. Bolt to the concrete or wood, allowing 1″ free play between the generator and snubber.


  • Due to size or complex design, motor generator sets and power transfer units may require more extensive mitigation design by a structural engineer.
  • Equipment may already be anchored directly without using isolation springs. Consult with structural engineer to determine if seismic snubbers are necessary.

Recommendation — Secure Fuel/Water Tank

Install steel braced platforms, metal straps, and slack line to secure fuel supply tank or water day tank.


When anchoring to post-tensioned slab, locate and avoid reinforcing.

Fuel Supply Tank
Source: Noson, Perbix, SSD

Supplies Required

  • Steel-braced platform (Consult an engineer for design.)
  • Metal straps (18 gage x 2″)
  • Sheet metal screws—3/8″
  • Flexible line
  • Lag bolts or expansion bolts—3/8″


  1. Place a minimum of two straps (one at each end of the tank).
  2. Secure straps to the steel-braced platform with sheet metal screws. Attach to supporting structure with lag bolts or expansion bolts.


  • Provide slack in electrical cables.
  • Anchor each element in the system.