ECA Secure Your Space Online Workshop Application
Complete this application by July 9 to be considered for participation in the July 19, 2021 ECA Secure Your Space Online Workshop.

Contact Information


Primary Organization:

# of employees, members, volunteers, etc.:

Mailing Address:
(2 lines, if needed)

 State:   ZIP:*
Phone number:
E-mail address:*

Web Address:
(if applicable)


Reason for participating (multi-choice):*
Secure my own space
Secure my primary organization's items
Secure another organization's items (please list in next box)
ECA Mini-Award Recipient
Help my community
Start a business for securing items

In addition to the organization you may have listed below, what other organizations/communities are you involved with where you might share what you learn?

0/500 characters max

Live captioning will be provided for this workshop.
Do you require any other accommodations in order to fully participate?

0/500 characters max


What is your experience using power tools such as drills? Please describe.*
Beginner     Intermediate     Experienced

0/500 characters max

Do you have, or have access to, the necessary power tools for doing this work?*
I have my own power tools
I have access to power tools
I have no access to power tools

What is your experience securing furniture, appliances, TVs, etc. (How many items have you secured?) Please describe.*
0-20     20-50     50-100     100+

0/1000 characters max